Capitol Campaign Project Home

What is the Capital Campaign Project?

The Capital Campaign Project is the name for the current and future renovations, additions, and improvements being made to our buildings and facilities across our district. As of September 10th, we officially concluded the first part of our project with the completion of our fully renovated FCS (Family & Consumer Sciences) Room. As we look towards the future, we are both excited and hopeful for where this project will take our district with the intentions to help our student body soar!

View our official notice to the public:

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Proposed Renderings of Additional Classrooms

Proposed Drawings on our South Campus Classroom Relocations

To the left are the drawings on the Capital Campaign Projects' goal to remove the temporary classrooms in our South Campus and replace them with additional classrooms within the proposed North Wing addition.

EBF Admin Dedicate New F.C.S. Classroom at EBF Jr. Sr. High.

On September 10th, the EBF Admin and Staff dedicated the newly renovated Family and Consumer Sciences Classroom at the EBF Jr. Sr. High School.