-Christner Hug

Ottumwa Courier full article is linked here: Rockets Win Lettington Duals

The EBF Boys wrestling team continued the success through Saturday after the girls’ team won their tournament on Friday evening.  The EBF wrestlers won the Lettington Duals on Saturday, January 4.  The team wrestled with great focus and intensity.  The closest dual was with the Southeast Polk (JV).  AJ Christner was the last Rocket to wrestle in the dual with the meet on the line.  AJ pulled out a great victory, winning 7-6 over Wyatt Baker.  The final score to the meet was 38-33.

The team is wrestling well and making progress each week.  They are fun to watch. 

Results are located at this link: Lettington Duals

Wrestling CheerleadersEBF TiltEBF RidingEBF PinningEBF Team Champ Congratulations to the EBF Boy Wrestling Team 1st Place