EBF Wrestlers were 2A State Runner-Up this winter. Read reflections from Coach Boyer on the tournament at https://www.rocketsk12.org/article/2077639
3 days ago, Scott Williamson
Team Picture
EBF Announces the construction firms whose "Steatement of Qualifications" were accepted for the construction project: Christner Construction, DCI Group, and Merit Construction. The Board will interview all 3 firms April 7.
3 days ago, Scott Williamson
EBF student / archer Eden Van Zante places 7th at Iowa NASP State Tournament. Cheyenne Houk has perfect score in one flight of 3D. Artice and all scores at https://www.rocketsk12.org/article/2066322
8 days ago, Scott Williamson
Eden with Plaque
Cheyenne Perfect Score
EBF closed Wednesday, March 5th. There are no conferences this evening at the Jr-Sr High.
8 days ago, Scott Williamson
EBF wins first round at the state tournament. 52-45 over Treynor. It was an exciting game with plenty of emotional swings. .
9 days ago, Scott Williamson
ENF celebrates first state win
Ava moves EBF on bracket
EBF Archery Club archers will participate in the state tournament at the State Fairgrounds this weekend. Good Luck Rockets.
14 days ago, Scott Williamson
List of State Qualifiers
Update to JH/HS Parent Teacher conference schedule for next week.
14 days ago, Jill Schmidt
Parent Teacher Conferences
Please read the communication to the EBF community regarding a change to PT conferences at the Jr-Sr High School and information regarding elementary conferences. https://5il.co/38yc0
14 days ago, Scott Williamson
For the 3rd year in a row, the Lady Rockets have punched their ticket to the State BB tournament next week. Shirt orders are due by NOON TODAY. https://stores.inksoft.com/ebf_girls_basketball/shop/home
14 days ago, Jill Schmidt
State BB
EBF Girls Basketball advances to the state tournament 64-30 over ACGC. CONGRATULATIONS!!
15 days ago, Scott Williamson
Receiving State Banner
The Nutrition students have a new order going on NOW. Place your orders by Feb 28th with pick up after school on March 25th. https://ebfrollininthedough.weebly.com/order.html
16 days ago, Jill Schmidt
Nutrition Students
Below is the link to schedule your JH/HS child's spring PTC. Conferences will be held on Tuesday, March 4th and Thursday, March 6th. https://www.schoolbookings.net/code/ahras
20 days ago, Jill Schmidt
Parent Teacher Conferences
EBF #1 Ranked Basketball Seniors Last Home Game Tonight. News Article at this link: https://www.rocketsk12.org/article/2043425
20 days ago, Scott Williamson
EBF Boys Wrestling in 1st place after the 2nd round of the State Tournment. Results linked here. https://5il.co/38d0f
21 days ago, Scott Williamson
EBF Logo
As a reminder, next Monday, February 24th, we will host a Course and Counseling parent Informational meeting at 6 PM in the Jr/Sr High School Library. The aim of this meeting will be to discuss course options for students in grades 7-12 and share some information on post-secondary planning. Please plan to join us! Contact the Jr/Sr High School if you have any questions.
24 days ago, Jordan Buell
Reminder that there is NO school on Friday for staff professional development and on Monday in observance of Presidents Day.
28 days ago, Jill Schmidt
No School
EBF is closed Thursday, February 13, 2025
28 days ago, Scott Williamson
Snowbound Bus
EBF will have a 2 hour delay Thursday, February 13.
29 days ago, Scott Williamson
Snowbound Bus
Mrs. Holleman’s 1st graders sing the national anthem. The students did a fantastic job singing the national anthem before the varsity basketball game between EBF and Lynnvile Sully Tuesday, February 11.
29 days ago, Scott Williamson
National Anthem 1st Graders
National Anthem Flag
EBF is closed Wednesday, February 12.
30 days ago, Scott Williamson