EBF Rocket Football Apparel Orders are due by Sept. 3rd https://blushboutiqueapparel.com/product-category/fan-gear/football/
over 3 years ago, Curt Johnston
Band Booster Apparel Place your order online thru the below link - and either have it shipped to you, pick it up at BLUSH in Eddyville, or pick it up at Picture Night on September 16! All orders MUST be placed by September 3rd for pickup on September 16. No orders will be taken outside of this web portal. https://blushboutiqueapparel.com/product-category/fan-gear/ebf-music-department/
over 3 years ago, Curt Johnston
Concession Stand Groups Needed for EBF Activities - Earn $300-500 per activity - contact curt.johnston@rocketsk12.org if interested Group needed to work the football game this Friday night - 4-9pm
over 3 years ago, Curt Johnston
VB Apparel available - orders due August 25th to the HS office - contact Coach Genskow if you have any questions - gladys.genskow@rocketsk12.org
over 3 years ago, Curt Johnston
EBF VB Apparel Order Due Aug. 25th
Welcome Back!! Jr-Sr High School students return on Monday. Elementary students' parents have parent-teacher conferences Monday and Tuesday. If you do not have an elementary parent teacher conference please contact your elementary building secretary.
over 3 years ago, Scott Williamson
Please fill out the Free and Reduced Nutrition application linked here: https://5il.co/wx36. The socio-economic data directly affects all Federal funding. EBF received significantly fewer resources per student when compared to districts around us. I believe the socio-economic status of the EBF district is similar to the surrounding communities and we should receive similar amounts of Federal resources per student served. Two major types of funding from the federal government are Title and COVID Recovery resources. The socio-economic data also directly affects many grant applications EBF has filed recently. Most grants have a socio-economic factor in their rubric to determine award winners. The EBF district actively pursues grants from the state of Iowa and the Federal government throughout the year. Please return the application to your respective building secretary who will forward the information to Tara Waldren, Director of Nutrition. All applications remain confidential. Sincerely, Scott Williamson Superintendent of EBF
over 3 years ago, Mary McCrea
over 3 years ago, Curt Johnston
Aug 21 - 2:30-6pm - Free VB Camp for 4th-8th Grade @ HS - presented by Karlie Taylor - https://www.southcentralconf.org/public/genie/664/school/7/date/2021-08-21/view/week/
over 3 years ago, Curt Johnston
Please read the letter at the link provided for the 22-21 school year. The 2nd page is the supply list for all grades PK-12. https://5il.co/vsmq
over 3 years ago, Scott Williamson
School Supplies
Bsb District Final - Saturday Night - 7pm EBF vs DC - Livestream & Ticket Info https://www.southcentralconf.org/public/genie/664/school/7/date/2021-07-17/view/week/
over 3 years ago, Curt Johnston
We are very excited to announce the new EBF website and app starting in July. Download the app for iPhones and Android through their app stores.
over 3 years ago, Scott Williamson
EBF Logo
Welcome to our new website!
over 3 years ago, EBF Rockets
Laptop with smartphone
Summer School dates are the following dates from 9am-12pm at the HS in the library: June 22-24 June 29-July 1 July 13-15 July 20-22 IF your child is REQUIRED to attend summer school you will have (or will be) receiving a letter in the mail. If your HS child has received failing grades and will be short on credits, NOW is a good time to catch up on those, don't wait until you are a senior! JH students attending summer school are required to be here each day of summer school. HS students attending summer school are required to be here ONLY the first 3 scheduled days, then only when they are ready to have a test proctored or they need help from our summer school teachers. If you are interested in attending summer school to do credit recovery or your child has been required to attend, please contact Mrs. Koebke at angie.koebke@rocketsk12.org
almost 4 years ago, EBF Rockets