EBF closed on Thursday, Feb 9.
almost 2 years ago, Scott Williamson
Thursday, Feb 9 EBF 2 hour late start
almost 2 years ago, Scott Williamson
2022-2023 Eddyville Elementary Yearbook Reserve your copy today! Sales end February 24 NO COPIES WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE SCHOOL FOR PURCHASE.
almost 2 years ago, Molly Judy
22/23 EE Yearbook
It's SENIOR NIGHT! If you are coming to the game tonight, we will recognize our Varsity Girls @ 5:40pm and the Varsity Boys following the varsity girls game.
almost 2 years ago, Jill Schmidt
Don't miss out on the 2022-2023 EBF yearbook. Order now at https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A02341700 Not sure if you have already ordered, email Mr. Hallgren to find out!
almost 2 years ago, Jill Schmidt
JH Boys Basketball Games @ Cardinal have been cancelled for today and will be rescheduled to a date TBD - no JH bskt practice tonight
almost 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
EBF will run 2 hours late on Wednesday, January 25. Regular Bus routes will be driven. Disregard any announcement claiming hard surface roads only this morning.
almost 2 years ago, Scott Williamson
Reminder: NO School on Monday, January 16th.
almost 2 years ago, Jill Schmidt
JV G/B Basketball Tonight vs. Pleasantville - Update - the JV girls will now be able to play a full game tonight starting at 6pm with the JV2 boys following at approx. 7:15pm
almost 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
Students in grades 7-12 with lunch balances exceeding negative $100 will not be allowed to charge lunches starting Janaury 4, 2023. This is in accordance with Board Policy 722 which was reviewed and edited at the November and December Board Meetings.
almost 2 years ago, Scott Williamson
EBF will be closed Thursday, Dec 22 for expected weather conditions occuring through the day. EBF wishes you a Happy Holidays!!
about 2 years ago, Scott Williamson
Due to forecasted weather on Friday, the HS Wrestling meet on Dec. 23 has been cancelled.
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
Eddyville Elementary PS/Kdg Announcement~Due to the impending frigid weather and possible snow, we will reschedule the PS/Kdg Christmas concert originally planned for tomorrow morning. The concert will now be Thursday, Jan. 5 at 10:00am in the Eddyville gym. We will do the same program and refreshments as planned.
about 2 years ago, Molly Judy
We are asking for your cooperation while attending the Eddyville Elementary winter concert this evening. Please do not park in front of the Jr/Sr High front doors where buses load or along the curb by the baseball field. There will be buses loading at various times throughout the evening as well as needing to get to and from the bus garage. These locations need to be left accessible to the buses. The front door, cafeteria door and south entrance will all be unlocked for easy access to the concert.
about 2 years ago, Molly Judy
Lost and found at Eddyville Elementary: Please claim before break!
about 2 years ago, Molly Judy
EE Lost and Found
HS Bskt @ Clarke tonight - 5pm start Order of Games 5pm - JV2 Boys (HS Gym), JV Boys (MS Gym), Varsity Boys (HS Gym) 6:15pm - Varsity Girls (HS Gym), JV Girls (MS Gym) All fans must enter through the main doors on the south side of the school or door #32 on the east side of the building
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
There was a misprint on the Cheer Camp form. Camp is on Tues. Dec 13th and Thurs. Dec. 15th from 4- 5:30pm, with their performance on Fri. Dec. 16th during the halftime of Girls V game.
about 2 years ago, Jill Schmidt
Winter Concerts held at the HS will be livestreamed on EBF.tv - those concerts include the JH Band/Choir on Dec. 13th, HS Band/Vocal Concert on Dec. 19th & Eddyville elementary 1st-6th Grade concert on Dec. 20th - please go to the school calendar of events and click on the camera link for direct access
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
No Activity Bus Tonight or Monday **HS Basketball Game Schedule Tonight at Cardinal 5pm - JV Boys 6:15pm - Varsity Girls 7:45pm - Varsity Boys & JV Girls
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
EBF bskt vs. Davis Co. tonight - 5pm start - Students are encouraging all fans to dress for the Black Out. Format will as follows: Front Gym - JV Girls, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys & Back Gym will be JV Boys (2 quarters) & JV2 Boys Live Stream available on EBF.tv
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston